In a home with 4 kids there is always some thing that sparks a prank. I know I was guilty of a few of them especially on April Fools day. One time I thought it would be funny to put dog food in my Brothers cereal. We ate grapenuts and the dog food we had looked a lot like the cereal. Of course I had one brother who got picked on, as he was really good natured and wouldn't kill me after. Pay backs are hell sometimes though as you never knew when it was going to be. Another time I made chocolate covered cardboard wafers for a treat. LOL Not to tasty!!!
Still another time there was a glass that had the bottom busted out of it, so I set it up in the cupboard until the right time to put it out on the table for dinner. We always set the table ahead of time and just befor meal time poured the water in all the glasses. This night my sister had that job of pouring the water, and you guessed it water went all over the table. I was out in the kitchen having a hard time containing myself, but then the payback, as I had to clean it up. My Brother was a prankster himself and He still tries to get me and I am pretty gullible so I usually fall for it. At least at first. It took him a few years to get back at me for the dog food incident.
After I had been married quite a few years, my brother was up visiting us in his voltswagon van, so his girl friend and I decided to decorate the front of his van. We had a blast and like alway I could hardly keep a straight face, so he knew something was up when he came out to move it. He thought it was great though, and never did change it. A few years later he was driving in the mountains and a big rig came around a curve and hit him, so that was the end of the van. He was hurt and it was many years before his neck was better. He was in the hospital when Mt. Saint Helens blew its top, and on a lot of pain meds so seeing the TV with all the coverage of the mountain doing its thing, he had some weird thoughts.
Wow! That is the cutest face on a van ever!
Thanks Rayne, we had a blast doing it, but it sure was hard to keep a straight face when we were trying to keep it a secret. I guess we didn't have any red for the tongue, hence the yellow.
Hhaha...I thought the yellow was teeth!
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