We had a secret in the family that all the time I was growing up I tried to figure out what two sets of initials meant. To my Dad my mom always signed herself as GG and Dad would sign himself BB to anything he gave her. I asked and asked but could never get an answer. It was a secret between the two of them that they had since they were going together, and they weren't going to tell us. I would try and think of all the possiblities like for instance could it be Girl Girl for her and Boy Boy for Dad. Mom would never say yes or no. Finally over the years I sort of forgot about it being i was busy raising a family and not living at home anymore.
After Mom passed away we had to go through everything and we came across a card that Dad had sent to mom and he signed it Billy Boy and addressed it to his Gypsy Girl. Finally the dawn of what the initials were for. After all that time it was neat to have it figured out finally.
This is a wonderful memory. The only secrets we have in our family is insanity and midgets. I'm not too sure why my mother wants me to keep the little people thing secret though. Maybe she's been down south too long.
People weren't so open in days past, so anything that wasn't considered the norm was usually kept secret. My fathers brother was considered a little off, but I really don't know why and he passed away young, and I guess it wasn't mentioned to much, but I never kept it secret, being I have a big mouth. LOL.
Little People have enough problems without people trying to hide them away, or treating them different. I love the Little People show.
Great Picture Sis, I love Dad's socks.
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